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EU Biodiversity Strategy Dashboard


Nationally designated terrestrial protected area coverage

This indicator measures the percentage of land, by Member State and at EU 27 level, covered by nationally designated protected areas. Values are calculated and provided each year by the European Environment Agency based on data reported by Member States.
  • Last update: 12-04-2023
  • Provider API available - live values
The contribution of the nationally protected areas to the target is to be confirmed.


Indicator: Nationally designated terrestrial protected area coverage

Tag: None

Definition: Percentage of land, by Member State and at EU 27 level, covered by nationally designated protected areas.

Unit: % of area protected under nationally designated protected areas on land

Spatial coverage: EU (current composition, only continental areas and Macaronesia)

Time coverage: 2010-2021

Update frequency: Every year

DPSIR: Response

Other policies: None

Method: 1) Calculation of surface from the Nationally designated protected areas data eliminating double counting of areas where National sites are overlapping; 2) topological controls and adjustments, other data quality controls; 3) Member States territories are taken from "EuroBoundaryMap 2020" dataset. References about these sources are available in the specific dataset's section of this catalogue.

Reference: None

Producer: European Environment Agency

Provider: European Environment Agency

Validated: True

Peer reviewed: False

Documented: True

Open source: False

Web service

Accessible: True

Spatial scope (Member States): True

Spatial scope (EU27): True

Spatial scope (global): False

Accuracy uncertainties: None

Comments: None

Storage: None



Indicator values per country
Country Value
Austria 25.0
Belgium 5.4
Bulgaria 14.9
Cyprus 35.1
Czechia 17.4
Germany 31.5
Denmark 11.0
Estonia 20.9
Greece 17.3
Spain 14.7
Finland 10.6
France 20.3
Croatia 13.6
Hungary 9.1
Ireland 0.8
Italy 10.4
Lithuania 15.0
Luxembourg 55.8
Latvia 18.1
Malta 29.0
Netherlands 26.5
Poland 32.2
Portugal 9.0
Romania 5.4
Sweden 15.0
Slovenia 40.4
Slovakia 23.5


Source: European Environment Agency

EU 27


Values at national scale