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Common bird index by type of species

This indicator is a multi-species index measuring changes in population abundances at EU level of all common bird species (n=168) as well as those associated with specific habitats: common farmland bird species (n=39) and common forest bird species (n=34).The three indices give estimated bird numbers relative to the reference year 1990, when their value is set at 100. Values are calculated every year by the European Bird Census Council through the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme programme, based on data from citizen science, and further provided by Eurostat.
  • Last update: 22-01-2024
  • Provider API available - live values
The values for the indicator are calculated using 1990 as year of reference.
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SDG 8EAP CMEF CAP 2014-2020


Indicator: Common bird index by type of species

Tag: SDG_15_60

Definition: This indicator is a multi-species index measuring changes in population abundance of all common bird species (n=168), as well as those associated with specific habitats: common farmland bird species (n=39) and common forest bird species (n=34). The index for each group is calculated at EU level only, using 1990 as reference year.

Unit: Index measuring changes in population abundances of bird species compared to the reference year 1990 (Index 1990 = 100).

Spatial coverage: EU (various composition according to year, only continental areas)

Time coverage: 1990-2021

Update frequency: Every year

DPSIR: State

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Method: 1) Calculation of national indices per species by coordinators of national monitoring schemes; 2) calculation of composite multispecies indices (common farmland birds, common forest birds and all common birds) using Monte Carlo simulations as described in Soldaat et al. (2017) and an R-script (R-TRIM) developed by Statistics Netherlands (2017). No rare species are included, although some species common in certain Member States may be considered rare in others. The species covered under the common farmland and common forest indices are deemed to be dependent on that particular kind of habitat for feeding and nesting. The index of common farmland birds covers 39 species that depend on farmland (farmland specialists). The index of common forest birds covers 34 species that depend on forests (forest specialists). The index of all common birds covers both farmland and forest birds plus 95 other common species that depend on other habitats, including built-up areas, urban parks and gardens (generalist species). The list of species is available on PECBMS website ( Each of the three EU bird indices is presented as a smoothed time series with 95% confidence limits. More information can be found in the metadata of the original dataset on the Eurostat website (

Reference: Eurostat, 2022, Sustainable development in the European Union — Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context — 2022 edition (, accessed 12 December 2022. Gregory, R. D., van Strien, A. J., Vorisek, P., Gmelig Meyling, A. W., Noble, D.G., Foppen, R.P.B. et Gibbons, D.W., 2005, 'Developing indicators for European birds', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 360, pp. 269-288. Soldaat, L. L., Pannekoek, J., Verweij, R. J. T., van Turnhout, C. A. M. and van Strien, A. J., 2017, 'A Monte Carlo method to account for sampling error in multi-species indicators', Ecological Indicators 81, pp. 340–347. Statistics Netherlands, 2017, Models and statistical methods in rtrim, Statistics Netherlands ( accessed 12 December 2022.

Producer: European Bird Census Council

Provider: Eurostat

Validated: True

Peer reviewed: True

Documented: True

Open source: False

Web service

Accessible: True

Spatial scope (Member States): False

Spatial scope (EU27): True

Spatial scope (global): False

Accuracy uncertainties: Not assessed

Comments: None

Storage: None



Indicator values per year
Year All common species Common farmland species Common forest species
1990 100.0 100.0 100.0
1991 100.0 97.9 100.2
1992 100.0 96.0 100.2
1993 99.9 94.2 99.9
1994 99.9 92.7 99.6
1995 99.8 91.4 99.1
1996 99.7 90.2 98.6
1997 99.6 88.9 98.1
1998 99.2 87.6 97.5
1999 98.7 86.3 96.7
2000 98.0 85.1 95.5
2001 97.1 83.9 94.3
2002 96.2 82.7 93.0
2003 95.4 81.6 92.0
2004 94.8 80.5 91.3
2005 94.2 79.4 90.9
2006 93.7 78.4 90.6
2007 93.2 77.4 90.4
2008 92.7 76.4 90.3
2009 92.3 75.4 90.3
2010 91.8 74.3 90.3
2011 91.3 73.2 90.4
2012 90.8 72.1 90.5
2013 90.3 70.9 90.8
2014 89.8 69.8 91.1
2015 89.4 68.7 91.5
2016 88.9 67.5 92.0
2017 88.5 66.3 92.6
2018 88.0 65.1 93.2
2019 87.6 63.9 94.0
2020 87.1 62.7 94.8
2021 86.7 61.5 95.7
2022 86.2 60.3 96.7


Source: Eurostat

EU 27