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EU Biodiversity Strategy Dashboard


Proportion of fish stocks sustainably exploited

This indicator provides the percentage of fish stocks, in North-East Atlantic and adjacent seas, the Mediterranean and Black Sea region and in EU waters overall, that is sustainably exploited. Values are calculated each year by the Joint Research Centre (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries), and further provided by Eurostat.
  • Last update: 12-09-2023
  • Provider API available - live values


Indicator: Proportion of fish stocks sustainably exploited

Tag: env_bio5

Definition: Percentage of fish stocks evaluated using a full analytical stock assessment method and for which the estimated fishing mortality (F) is inferior or equal to the fishing pressure that gives the maximum sustainable yield in the long term (Fmsy)

Unit: % of fish stocks sustainably exploited

Spatial coverage: EU waters including North-East Atlantic and adjacent seas (FAO area 27) and the Mediterranean and Black Sea region (FAO area 37)

Time coverage: 2020

Update frequency: Every year

DPSIR: State

Other policies:

Method: 1) Run a benchmark assessment for the stocks of interest to identify a model to perform stock assessment and set the parameters. Derive the reference point for (among others) the fishing pressure that gives the maximum sustainable yield in the long term (Fmsy) . Work is carried out by a dedicated Expert Working Group for each stock at either the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) / Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) / General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) 2) Run the benchmarked stock assessment model annually for each stock. Work is carried out by Expert Working Groups in charge at either ICES / STECF / GFCM. 3) Publish stock assessment outputs including fishing mortality in scientific reports. 3) Export estimated fishing mortalities (F) from ICES / STECF / GFCM databases 4) Compare estimated F outputs to associated Fmsy and count the number of stocks for which F>Fmsy and the number of stocks for which F ≤ Fmsy 5) Estimate the percentage of stocks for which F ≤ Fmsy Details of the protocol are presented in Annex I of the report mentioned in the reference section.

Reference: Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF), Monitoring of the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy (STECF-adhoc-23-01) , Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, doi:10.2760/361698, JRC133325.

Producer: Joint Research Centre

Provider: Eurostat

Validated: True

Peer reviewed: True

Documented: True

Open source: True

Web service

Accessible: True

Spatial scope (Member States): False

Spatial scope (EU27): True

Spatial scope (global): False

Accuracy uncertainties: None

Comments: None

Storage: None



Indicator values per FAO major fishing area
FAO major fishing area Value
Atlantic, Northeast 69.1
Mediterranean and Black Sea 28.1


Source: Eurostat

EU 27


Values by FAO major fishing area