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Number of trees planted in the EU as part of the 3 Billion Trees Pledge

This indicator counts the number of planted trees, by Member State and at EU27 level, as part of the EU 3 Billion Trees Pledge. Values are calculated and produced by the European Environment Agency, based on values reported by Organizations participating at the Pledge.
  • Last update: 02-07-2024
  • Provider API available - live values
The indicator uses a large number of datasets and they are not tracked by this dashboard.
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Indicator: Number of trees planted in the EU as part of the 3 Billion Trees Pledge

Tag: None

Definition: Number of planted trees, by Member State and at EU27 level, as part of the EU 3 Billion Trees Pledge.

Unit: Number of planted trees

Spatial coverage: EU27

Time coverage: 2020-2023

Update frequency: Continuous

DPSIR: Response

Other policies:

Method: Calculation of the number of planted trees based on data reported by the 3 Billion Trees Pledge reporting organisations. More information on the data collected can be found here: More information on the workflow can be found here:

Reference: European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European economic and social committee and the committee of the regionson: New EU Forest Strategy for 2030, 16 July 2021, SWD(2021) 651 final (, accessed 9 March 2023.

Producer: European Environment Agency

Provider: European Environment Agency

Validated: False

Peer reviewed: False

Documented: False

Open source: True

Web service

Accessible: True

Spatial scope (Member States): True

Spatial scope (EU27): True

Spatial scope (global): False

Accuracy uncertainties: None

Comments: The original indicator of European Environment Agency provides the number and area of additional planted trees (ha), per administrative region (NUTS3) in the EU27, per forest type, per land use, per ownership, per type of action. Additionality means to plant 3 billion trees between 2020 and 2030 in addition to those that would be planted or grow anyway under a business-as-usual scenario.

Storage: None


Indicator values per country
Country Value
Austria 8087
Belgium 5111986
Bulgaria 3914
Cyprus 145
Czechia 3218948
Germany 311758
Denmark 55581
Estonia 104655
Greece 153461
Spain 3038384
Finland 2
France 2162486
Croatia 13419
Hungary 1964
Ireland 5255588
Italy 518665
Lithuania 15794
Luxembourg 3966
Latvia 1608
Malta 116404
Netherlands 190508
Poland 70731
Portugal 554218
Romania 34924
Sweden 144
Slovenia 1485
Slovakia 15926


Source: European Environment Agency

EU 27

Target 2030: 3000000000


Values at national scale