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EU Biodiversity Strategy Dashboard


Increase in the number of remediated sites

This indicator measures the increase in the number of remediated sites, by Member State and at EU27 level, between 2006 and 2016. Values are calculated and produced by the European Environment Agency, based on data reported by Member States.
  • Last update: 27-10-2023
  • Provider API available - live values


Indicator: Increase in the number of remediated sites

Tag: LSI003

Definition: Increase in the number of remediated sites

Unit: Number of sites

Spatial coverage: EU (national values are available for 13 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Slovakia)

Time coverage: 2006-2016

Update frequency: Every 3+ years

DPSIR: State

Other policies:

Method: 1) Extraction of the number of remediated sites by country reported under "Site status 6" in the 2016 questionnaire; 2) Interpretation (as "Site status 6" did not exist in the 2006 questionnaire) and subsquent extraction of the number of remediated sites by country reported in the 2006 questionnaire; 3) Selection of the countries which reported remediated sites both in 2006 and 2016 to calculate a difference in the number of remediated sites between 2016 and 2006; 4) Calculation of the increase in the number of remediated sites between 2006 and 2016 by country; 5) Calculation of an EU estimate for the increase in the number of remediated sites based on all remediated sites reported in 2006 and all remediated sites reported in 2016 - therefore, because some countries reported remediated sites in 2006 but not and 2016 and vice versa, the EU estimate does not correspond to the sum of the 13 individual Member States for which values are available at national level.

Reference: Payá Pérez, A. and Rodríguez Eugenio, N., 2018, Status of local soil pollution in Europe: revision of the indicator 'Progress in the management contaminated sites in Europe', Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Producer: European Environment Agency

Provider: European Environment Agency

Validated: True

Peer reviewed: False

Documented: True

Open source: False

Web service

Accessible: True

Spatial scope (Member States): False

Spatial scope (EU27): True

Spatial scope (global): False

Accuracy uncertainties: There is great variability across countries due to differences in the definition and number of polluting activities, in the building of registers and related terminology, and in the underlying national policies. Some of the data reported in 2006 cannot be validated anymore. In addition, the management categories for which countries report their statistics have changed between surveys. Consequently, some level of interpretation has been applied in order to compare the 2006 survey to the 2016 survey. Therefore, only the general overall country-internal trend can be intepreted.

Comments: None

Storage: None



Indicator values per country
Country Value
Austria 133
Belgium 3076
Czechia 1070
Germany 17044
Estonia 103
Finland 2700
France 750
Italy 1237
Lithuania 34
Luxembourg 827
Netherlands 34000
Sweden 330
Slovakia 478


Source: European Environment Agency

EU 27


Values at national scale